When I go to the stores I am crazy about fresh dates. I buy them because of their incredible benefits to your health. I buy them when I need an energy boost or want to stay alert. But one thing that I have learned is that buying fresh dates at the grocery store is kind of boring. Why not make your own fresh date treats?
Fresh dates are produced every year in Indonesia. They are very common in Indonesia because the weather is very warm there and they are extremely easy to pick. Most of the palms used to produce fresh dates are in the palms of the Andaman. These palms grow very tall and are almost twice the size of a person. They have wrinkled flat skin and when they are cut open, they produce dates.
Palm dates are used to produce the oil used for making dates. When palm nuts are cut open, they release a substance called saponin. This saponin is rich in potassium, sugar and vitamins A,C,B,D & E. The sweetness of the dates depends on how much of the nutrients are left in the dates. So when buying them, look for those that are a little drier than others. Drier dates are considered to be better for you.
There are many types of people that will swear by the texture and the sweetness of the various dates. But if you want something to appease your sweet tooth, you can substitute some of the more bitter dates for honey or cocoa powder. If you prefer the texture, add a little water to the dates. Adding water also brings out the nutty and sweeter flavor.
In addition to the texture of the fruits, the color of fresh dates varies quite a bit. While some have a clear color, others have a brown tint. Some will be a dark brown, and some others will be a pale orange. Dried out fruits will turn from a brownish color to a green color, and then back again. Sometimes they’ll remain the same color throughout the drying process.
When purchasing fresh dates, keep any additional added sugar to a minimum. The natural sugar in the dates is what gives them their delightful flavor. Too much added sugar will alter the flavor. If there is any, you may wish to consider using dates with no sugar added. You will still get that fantastic sweet taste, but without the need to balance it out with additional sweeteners.
It is common knowledge that dates are primarily eaten for their sweetness. But did you know that dried fruits contain almost the entire amount of calories in a serving of dried fruits? That is because they have already been processed before they are dried. When dates are harvested from trees, they are cut as smooth and flat sheets, while when the fruit is still fresh, they are cut into pieces. That is why dates will not only satisfy your date craving but will also keep your body satisfied as well.
There are many reasons that fresh dates are a great weight loss food. They are easy to prepare, very tasty, and provide the body with the vitamins it needs. When purchasing them, keep in mind that you will probably be eating them within an hour of purchase. After about thirty minutes to an hour, they will lose most of their moisture and start to become rather firm. Be sure to always purchase those that are high in sugar content to keep yourself satisfied, and always keep the airtight container your purchase them in.