Category: Kurma Harga

harga kurma malaysia

Seasonal Impact on Kurma Harga in Malaysia

Kurma, or dates, is a staple food during the holy month of Ramadan in Malaysia. However, the price of kurma can fluctuate significantly from year to year, and even within the same year. Several seasonal factors can impact Kurma Harga (the price of kurma), particularly during Ramadan. Harvest Time and Supply One of the most […]

Kurma Harga

Kurma Harga: Everything Buyers Should Know Before Purchasing Dates

  Welcome to our informative blog post on Kurma Harga, or date prices, and what buyers should know before making a purchase. In this article, we will provide you with essential information to help you navigate the world of date buying. By understanding the factors that influence date prices and knowing what to look for […]